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Brand, Website, Marketing


(01) Overview

Breakfast just got a whole lot better

Yum Granola was born out of Wanaka in NZ, from a chef, Sarah, who was inspired to create acereal that had only the good stuff. To fuel the brain and body, minus tummy pains, which meant no grains. A cereal with tasty ingredients for the entire family.

As Yum has evolved, their reach has increased. They needed a more dynamic, engaging and global solution to their ecommerce store. Working with Yum, we crafted a customer Shopify website focused on engagement, storytelling, and conversion.


Press features
Food & Beverages

(01) Overview

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(02) challenge

An engaging online shopping experience

Yum, like most businesses, is constantly releasing new and exciting products throughout the year, but we need to ensure the brand is prominent, engaging and would scale alongside their evolution.

Further to this, we wanted to make sure the Yum story, their customer reviews and ingredients were a big part of the online shopping experience. We therefore created a tight, dynamic structure to ensure everything was a short scroll or click of a button.

(02) Challenge

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(03) Solution

Starting with the strategy

Getting to first understand the business, the people behind the business and their customers was our initial focus. This ensured we could direct and craft an approach that was suitable for trading today and into the future.

(03) Solution

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Simple but engaging product pages

Most people around the world start their day with breakfast. So to ensure the Yum products standout and land quickly as to why they are different, the quality of their ingredients is better and the taste is amazing. We focused a lot of effort and thinking to ensure the product pages delivered all of these messages in a quick, simple and engaging format.

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Prominent call-to-actions and easy navigation

We wanted to make the entire site feel simple, accessible and fun. Having less is more. A simple navigation when creating an online shopping experience is really important. You want to ensure customers don’t get lots and can easily engage and shop for what they want or explore and get inspired if they haven’t made up their mind.

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