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Flex Fitness

Flex Fitness

Website, Marketing

Flex Fitness

(01) Overview

Change begins here

Flex Fitness is a gym franchise offering 24 hour premium gym access across the country. And in a crowded and competitive market, they needed to improve their digital presence and capture the attention of more potential customers online.

From the start, we integrated with the head office marketing team to generate an online experience that delivered the energy, engagement and quality that is synonymous with their clubs.

A highly collaborative approach, we worked closely to ensure the outcome was both a step change in the overall brand experience to help communicate the level of quality and service offered, and ultimately a higher converting outcome, ensuring the site drives people to inquire and easily convert.


Press features
Health & Fitness

(01) Overview

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(02) challenge

Delivering a central experience for a large franchise group

The head office team needed to bring the entire franchise group along with them on this journey to improve the digital experience for both the master brand and the individual clubs.

This meant they needed to capture feedback, address it collectively and consult along the way with a large pool of stakeholders. Whilst maintaining a point of difference and preservation towards the overall brand and experience.

(02) Challenge

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(03) Solution

A collaborative and structured design approach

Given the large volume of requests and requirements to address, the head office team alongside N4 focussed on solving each challenge as a mini sprint. This ensured we delivered something quickly that was then stress tested back with stakeholders, avoiding long drawn out deliveries that could potentially miss the mark or not take the wider stakeholders along with the thinking.

Further to this, we needed to ensure the core thinking and ideas didn’t suffer under too many feedback points. Ultimately this was solved through effective communication and open conversations.

(03) Solution

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A rich customer flow to understand the potential customer

Qualifying customers is always a balancing act, you need to make the experience simple, but at the same time it's important to capture critical information before the next step of engagement. Our focus here was to make something feel attentive as well as engaging to encourage people along the journey to better health.

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Showcasing the true experience entirely online

3D walkthroughs, energizing videos and detailed images are on display to demonstrate first hand the facilities on offer. It’s important people can experience the vibe of the environment, the quality of the club and the available equipment for use.

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“N4 has been a valuable partner in helping us relaunch the Flex Fitness website. They listened to our unique challenges and objectives, and designed a website that not only beautifully promotes our brand but also effectively captures leads for our clubs.”



General Manager


, N4

“Beyond delivering a fresh new digital presence, we were able to drive a significant impact on lead generation through persona focused messaging and hyper-localised SEO.”

Jono Cook

Founder / Developer

, N4