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Resonate Health

Resonate Health

Digital Product

Resonate Health

(01) Overview

Digital disruption: reshaping the hearing care experience

Resonate Health is spearheading a revolution in New Zealand’s hearing health industry, underpinned by a deep commitment to putting customers first. The groundbreaking startup engaged N4 early in its journey, seeking support in leveraging technology and innovation to shape the future of hearing care.

Together, we challenged the industry’s traditional methodologies and reimagined the hearing health landscape as a holistic, customer-centric ecosystem. This project was an extensive digital innovation, encompassing customer journey mapping, system design, UX/UI design, and react development, as well as continual support/maintenance. We whole-heartedly worked to produce a truly customer-first experience, with a constant focus on empowering individuals to embrace healthy ageing.


1x Best Awards Finalist
Press features
Stuff, Forbes, + More

(01) Overview

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(02) challenge

Streamlining New Zealand’s hearing care experience

The hearing health industry in New Zealand has long operated on traditional methodologies that place the customer experience far from the forefront. This fundamental issue has significantly influenced the form and function of the hearing care experience, often leaving individuals feeling uncertain about how to take charge of their own health. As a roll-on effect, hearing health is typically neglected until later in life when problems arise.

In order to create meaningful change, we needed to streamline New Zealand’s existing hearing care processes. This undertaking was nothing short of a radical change as we set out to reshape the industry’s landscape.

(02) Challenge

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(03) Solution

Identifying essential areas for custom development

Working in close partnership with Resonate Health, we undertook comprehensive research and development. Part of this foundational work involved studying the existing platform solutions across the world, with a specific focus on identifying options that could adapt to the specific needs of customers while maintaining a high standard of clinical outcomes.

From this exercise, we found that the solutions available globally fell short of the standard and adaptability required to deliver a leading solution. In response, we determined it was necessary to develop a custom digital solution that was both customer and clinician-facing.

(03) Solution

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Navigating customer and clinician needs

Following extensive user research, we recognised a striking similarity in pain points between both customers and clinicians; notably, the cumbersome need for multiple appointments. This recurring challenge was a substantial hurdle and logistical issue that we were determined to overcome.

Working with Resonate Health, we were able to identify the four primary reasons why customers visit clinics: inquiring about Resonate, booking appointments, seeking in-person assistance for hearing aids, and attending appointments. With these in mind, we set out to streamline the entire experience, from onboarding through to aftercare.

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Pushing the limits of existing clinical software

Within the course of this transformative project, we developed remarkable digital solutions that have already made significant waves in the hearing health industry. The solutions are bold and engaging products — an in-store customer-facing kiosk, and a customer and clinician-facing dashboard —  which have come to define Resonate’s customer experience.

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“N4 has been a great digital partner in helping take Resonate from just a concept all the way to helping real people. They have contributed in a number of critical aspects to help make the Resonate business something special. An extremely flexible and agile team to work with.”

James Whittaker

James Whittaker

CEO & Founder, Resonate Health

James Whittaker

, N4

“Resonate is the dream team. Working alongside the experts in healthcare and having the autonomy to help steer aspects of the overall digital delivery has been great. The vision and the result to date on what Resonate are delivering is world class.”

Elliot Maher

Elliot Maher

Elliot Maher

Elliot Maher

Founder / Strategist

, N4

“Working with the Resonate team has been an extremely rewarding experience. We got to conceptualise and deliver an entire end-to-end client and customer facing bookings dashboard to allow for speed, security and flexibility into the future.”

Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson

Head of Engineering

, N4